République tchèque

Health Information for expats and travelers - Lithuania


Compared to other European capitals, the crime rate in Vilnius is relatively low, but street crime does occur. Make use of hotel safe deposit boxes and be careful not to show valuables when walking around the city. Car theft is common. 


Health (for visitors)

Most medical supplies are available, including disposable needles, anaesthetics, antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals.

Mandatory precautions

Vaccination certificates are required for cholera or yellow fever if travelling from an infected area.

Advisable precautions

It is advisable to be 'in date' for the following immunisations: polio (within 10 years), tetanus (within 10 years), typhoid fever, hepatitis 'A' (moderate risk only). It is recommended that bottled water is used for drinking; tap water is occasionally brown.

Global Health Observatory Data Repository - Lithuania Statistics (2002 to present)

Other useful sections of the website


kuPractical life and expatriation in Lithuania

kuTourism in Lithuania


To go further

who.int/countries/ltu/ - World Health Organization - comprehensive data for Lithuania

wwwnc.cdc.gov... - Health information for Travelers to Lithuania, from the Center for Disease Controls and Preventions


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